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Antoine Dufilho 

Metal sculpture


His unique work consists of exposing an alternation of solid and empty, materializing a skeleton, breaking down the forms into successive layers. A movement is created by this sequenced representation. ​


Between the names Dufilho and Bugatti, there is an almost palpable link, which was woven through the passion of several men.


It was first Jacques, Antoine’s great-uncle, who had the chance to collect Bugattis. This immense passion was passed on to his nephew and naturally, as one passes on a genetic heritage, the torch passed to Antoine. ​


It is by being aware of his roots that a man can grow. Antoine Dufilho knows them, his roots, which lie in art and medicine. His work proves it. ​


As a child, Antoine Dufilho learned about the visual arts from his great-uncle, actor, painter and sculptor. Later, medical studies allowed him to discover and dissect the complexity of human biomechanics.


Architectural studies then led him towards a new approach to sculpture, in particular towards the work of the framework, which once exposed reveals a succession of full and empty, bringing lightness and dynamism to the general


Antoine Dufilho is self-taught, he experiments with different techniques such as molding and welding to gradually build the aesthetics of his art around this DNA which characterizes him. ​ ​

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