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Cecile Plaisance


After working on the European financial markets for 10 years and then in the media (IT), Cécile Plaisance decided to do what she had always dreamed of doing: photography; with simple questions behind her images: the difficulty of being a woman, the tyranny of religions, the need to laugh and embellish our lives...and a thousand other subjects that she takes pleasure in fiddling with daily.

The artist's lenticular photography is a process for producing shots that change according to the angle of view. This effect is obtained by following several key production steps: the choice of lenticular sheet, digital photography, the output process (film or CTP), printing and finally the positioning of the lenticular sheet.

For this, Cécile Plaisance uses universal emblems such as Barbie, cinema icons or catwalks. Behind the symbols, there is the strength of appearance, the personal requirement, the communicated dream, the factory of the world.

The artist admires women as much as she loves men. His work is not a fight, nor a war between sexes. It is an ode to feminity. To love. It is an expression of the need to find masculine-feminine balances.

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